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We can help.

The Boarding Office is a flexible, relaxed and affordable solution for those that don’t want the long-term commitment of a commercial lease and expensive fit out.

Get in touch to secure your dedicated space to do business.

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What Our Tenants Say.

Ticks All The Boxes

What really brought me here was the quirkiness of it. It is so unique and different but elegant and sophisticated. I just saw potential here.

Jenny McEvoy

Enjoyable Atmosphere

We realised we didn’t want the responsibility of a full-term lease and couldn’t afford it. We came across you guys and the numbers looked good.

Rob Stinson

Engaging With People

We wanted to be more visible. We wanted to engage with people person to person. The physical presence gives us credibility. It’s easy to use and it has great facilities.

Lisa Fry

Nambour Alliance